“The breathy, soulful voices of the clarinets embrace the spirited vocals of Gottlieb, who often uses her own voice as another wind instrument. Pneuma’s cycle of poems and songs, composed and arranged by the four musicians, offers the wind as a metaphor for an empty space. It attempts to reflect the turbulent feelings of sensing loss, thinking about last and lost breaths and passing moments and images, but it is also life affirming cycle and enjoys the beauty that survives” – Eyal Hareuveni, Salt Peanuts
“…a dream-like reverie of vibrantly colorful melodic meanderings…The smokey yet luminously smooth and clear tone of Ayelet’s voice accompanies a non-linear weave of percolating rhythmic and melodic fragments… Like Ayelet’s voice, the tones of the clarinets are rounded and clear, with perfect intonation. Their finely tuned call and response forms the real meat of the record…There is tremendous musicianship here, though it is never put on full display…a masterpiece of a kind.”